
In 1951, Henry and Anona Malinowski moved from Aberdeen, Washington to Amboy, Washington. Henry and other family members had won a contract to rock the new railroad grade from Battle Ground to Chelatchie Prairie. Henry was one of the top operating engineers in Washington.

They purchased a 17 acre property from the Harris family on NE Amboy Road. It had a rather basic wood frame house built in the 1930s with a shingle exterior, and no indoor plumbing.

In some places, the house was (is) held up by stumps.

Henry worked seven days a week to make this primitive beginning suffice for his family of Jim (13), Rick (11), Mavie (9) and Melvin (2).

Here, Jim and Rick are helping Dad dig a trench for the sewer line from the new septic tank to the drainfield.

Everyone helped. Here, 2 year old Melvin digs in diapers. The Malinowskis have a strong work ethic.

Henry got a contract to demolish an old home in Portland, Oregon. Jim and Rick recycled the wood framing (pulling thousands of nails) and used the wood to build this barn, still standing.

Rick was our wild boy. Here he is shown with his stallion, which only he could ride. Later, when he settled down a bit, he became as good an operating engineer as his father, perhaps even better.

Henry (‘Hank’) used his 25 ton ¾ yard Northwest shovel to build ponds, bridges, railroad grade, and more.

One of our friends said he was labeled a ‘stump jumper’ by a wrestling opponent. He came to rue that view. Farm boys are strong and tough. Amboy was way out in the timber country.

From this beginning, Henry and Anona’s kids went on to become electrical engineers (Jim), top operating engineers (Rick), medical records technicians (Mavie) and designers/entrepreneurs (Mel).

But this site is about the beautiful 17 acre farm, still in the family.